Saturday, November 1, 2008

November 2008

It is Thanksgiving time again, which is an extra special time for me personally. It was fourteen years ago at about this time that I underwent my hemispherectomy. It’s hard to believe that it has been so long, but I have discovered a lot of handy gadgets and tricks to help me out in life, and I would be honored to share with everyone!

There are a lot of things that exist out there that make living with one hand so much easier. One of the best things I have found has got to be dycem, it comes in handy for many things because it holds things still. That way, when I am trying to stir pancake batter (I love pancakes!), the bowl does not go flying across the room and make a big mess! I have also found a one handed can opener that I have had for many many years. It is a Black and Decker cordless can opener. It is easy to use and when it was new it had a magnet on it to lift the lid. Nowadays I believe that they have “hands free” can openers, but I still like my older one.

There are many catalogues in existence that are not meant specifically for adaptive household gear, but they have helpful things in them. For example I was able to find a stand that holds my hair dryer so I can style my hair and also I fond a lotion applier that has a long handle so I can get my back. The most recent gadget I found is one that opens soup containers since the metal tabs are so popular nowadays. I put a piece of dycem between my legs so that the container holds still, and I use my soup opening device to get the cans open. It is a simple tool that basically looks like Captain Hook’s hook, but it has a slit at the end of it. These gadgets are hard to describe, but I would be happy to send pictures or catalogue information to anyone. I hope I helped!